Does a watched rose bush produce a rose bud more quickly? I don’t think so. Waiting for your rose garden to leaf out, produce canes and ultimately rose buds is like waiting for paint to dry. So I’ve come up with some things for you to do. This is an assignment. Please comment with things you think-up in addition to my list, I’ll publish them. You could probably W-D 40 your tools and mix up your organics but it may not be as fun. “OUI (Big Daddy, and I dew” that together. These tasks are great for bonding and togetherness.

You can bake cookies in a flower ring and eat them warm right out of the oven. Life is too short to resist warm cookies or brownies from the oven.
You can Count Flowers on the Wall like the Statler Brothers Song, & watch Captain Kangaroo.

Dance to Killing The Blues, by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss from their incredible CD Rising Sand, and watch the sunset. That’s what big daddy and I did after OUI hung up the butterfly swing. Sip a mimosa.

You can put on your monkey hawk shirt, your tu-tu, your fancy boots and pose for a picture. That’s what Ella call’s her shirt with a monkey on it and a mohawk hair-cut. She looks good.

You can strap the stuffed puppy & kitty in the Gagamobile (my gardening ATV) and stage a chase around the yard for the kids. Be sure to say no kitties or puppies were harmed in the making of this production. He’s only posin’ for the video, He’s not actually cross. I didn’t have to coerce him into the production or anything like that. No never. The stars were still in their respective trailers. They don’t get along.
All fun aside, I am getting my tools in order, taking inventory of organics. Ordering them from the feed store and organizing my gardening sheds. You may need to sharpen your pruning shears. Of course all of you in warm zones are probably saying hey wait a minute I’m finished pruning. I hope you didn’t forget the ultimate spring tonic for roses, Epson salt! We’ll talk more next week Mr. Redneck Rosarian, Chris Van Cleave rescheduled my talk on the #Rosechat Channel BlogTak Radio for next Saturday. I will keep you posted. More details on the new bed coming soon.
I really have to go, it’s sunset ;). And remember folks, my son Michael says I end abruptly but “The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30″   —-Lorne Michaels, creator of Saturday Night Live
Great Post Gaga! Can you believe my ‘All A Twitter” already has a bud????
Can’t believe it! Is it as beautiful as you thought it would be?
My Fourth of July is flowering !!!
Fourth of July (LCI) is a beautiful and prolific climber. It is one of my favorites.