1) Use the logo above in the post.
2) Link to whoever nominated you.
3) Write ten pieces of information about yourself.
4) Nominate ten fellow bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogsphere.â€
5) Leave a comment on the nominees’ blogs to tell them of the award.
Sunshine Award
December flew by like a whirlwind. A blessing from heaven, we have a new grand daughter!

Icing on the cake was being awarded the Sunshine Award by Bren of BG Garden and host of Garden Chat. Delighted and honored when she tweeted the write-up I was taking care of a my 5, 7, and 15 year old while we welcomed the new baby into the world.Â

Have you ever felt that people like to talk about themselves? It seems easy to talk about yourself, right? It is easy as long as the conversation is light and airy. I think most people are uncomfortable talking about themselves. So here goes, the Sunshine Award requires that I share ten things with you about myself. My mother always used to say that I wear my “heart on my sleeve,†so what can I share with you that perhaps you do not already know?

The question is, should the sharing be deep or superficial? My dear friend Margie Clayman has debated this question often, that when one shares of themselves then we become vulnerable. Perhaps that’s just who we are.
Here is how it works. It is an opportunity to help others find new cool things in the blogosphere.
1) Use the logo above in the post.
2) Link to whoever nominated you. Â
3) Write ten pieces of information about yourself.
4) Nominate ten fellow bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.â€
5) Leave a comment on the nominees’ blogs to tell them of the award.
Ok here goes. Here are ten things about me.
Some things about me kind of go without saying;
#1Â Â Â I am very loyal to family and friends so I do not know if that counts.
#2Â Â Â My granddaughter Gabrielle first called me Doggy after I kept saying Gram-ma a million times, then she evolved to what friends and family call me now, Gaga.
#3Â Â Â I used to ride a dirt bike called a Montessa and I flipped over the handlebars on a ride with my sister-in-law Martha.
#4   My mother is a Chisholm of the Chisholm’s of the Chisholm Trail and my father a descendant of Mary Proctor, the first witch accused of witchcraft. I love genealogy and I am a        Daughter of the American Revolution. I have the paperwork to become a Daughter of the Republic of Texas.
#5   I don’t sleep with the closet doors or any chest of drawers open.
#6Â Â Â Straightening rugs is kind of an obsession.
#7Â Â Â I love fried okra.
#8Â Â Â Babies always smile at me and I always smile back.
#9Â Â Â Sports are my thing and I get kind of blue when football season is over.
#10Â I used to be a model in Chicago and have a full portfolio.

Ten Outstanding Must Read Blogs
Here are ten writers in alphabetical order because they are all so incredibly gifted that I didn’t want to imply anything by the order I put them in. I know each will enrich your life by reading their blogs.
1. http://badredheadmedia.com/
Rachel Thompson is a top-notch marketer, social media expert and author that is interactive with her audience and knows how to connect all the dots.Â
Bren’s site is a treasure trove of information and beautiful pictures as well as recipes. I visit there for so many reasons and so will you once you pay your first visit.
Brian writes about so many topics. What I enjoy the most are his sports analogies. Here is one of my favorites of all time. 12 Most Texas Tall Tales Growing Up Down By The RiverÂ
4. http://jack-rosarian.blogspot.com/
The Minnesota Rose Gardener Jack Falker, this rose blog is for the serious rosarian. Jack gets into the ‘real meat’ of rose growing. If you are into research and learning the in-depth details about climate change, shifts in temperatures and zones in the global climate patterns then Jack is your man.
5. http://www.lisapetrilli.com/
Lisa Petrilli is a dedicated businesswoman and she loves roses. She has been so supportive all the while working on a start-up company of hers. Her is a quote from her recent post: “We are all more powerful when we awaken every aspect of ourselves – masculine as well as feminine, head as well as heart – and live our lives as our full, whole, True Selves….†Lisa Petrilli
6. http://www.margieclayman.com/
Margie’s Moments of Tiyoweh. A brilliant marketer and writer, Margie writes about a diverse range of timely topics. She invites dialog and I guarantee you will always learn something and meet new, intriguing writers through her.
Dr. Martina McGowan is simply the most inspirational writer I know. Let me put is this way. Say you are having a day that you need good advice or motivation, go to Dr. McGowan’s Web site and just read, you will find what you may need right there at your finger tips.Â
Gini Dietrich is one of the top public relations people in the country. She is witty, entertaining and also writes Gin & Topics every Friday that you don’t want to miss. I can’t tell you how many times I have laughed out loud at her compilation of Friday.
Teresa Byington is a rosarian that has a heart for roses. She loves roses and is dedicated to writing about them and learning more about them every day.
10. http://wallacegardens.tumblr.com/
Nancy Wallace creates custom container gardens, indoor terrariums and does residential garden design plans. She writes and photographs them as well. She has helped me identify so many plants! She is a delight to know and grow with. Her site is gorgeous and Nancy known on Twitter as @SassyNancy is so much fun to know.

Happy New Year Everyone!
so my question is … how old were you when you flipped over the handle bars of the dirt bike? #OUCH!
Thank you Sunshine for sharing in the blog fun – you so deserve this Sunshine Award because I love how you share what is on your heart!
Happy New year – Bren
Dearest Bren,
I met Martha when she was 17, and had hair to her waist and was going to the show with my brother bare foot in hip hugger jeans. We’ve been like sisters ever since. I think the dirt bike incident was in our 20’s , lol
Dick came out and said “just get up” 🙂
Thanks for the award. It was fun.
Happy New Year
Susan aka Gaga
Loved the 10 facts about you. Impressive genealogy, and loved it that you named your dirt bike…was this before or after you flipped over the handlebars.
Thanks for including me in your blog list. I like fried okra, too…and yeah, for some reason babies smile at me which my wife and daughters find funny.
Dearest Brian,
Montesa Honda is the brand. It was a 125 trials bike designed to go where a goat can’t go off road. It was a kick starter that was a beast to start! Babies smile at you because you love babies like I do! I hope you will participate and write the post. My husband said to tell you at one time we had 7 motorcycles in our garage, 2 were street bikes. All the kids had one. Happy New Year!