Here are my favorite must have catalogs for selecting the most beautiful roses that you can begin shopping for now in January. Several of the suppliers were still offering free shipping through February 15th. You Pinterest fans there is no better place to start pinning then the list of online catalogs I have just linked you to below. Let the pinning begin. But better yet rather than pin roses why not plant some bare root roses. It’s easy.
Star Roses 2015 Downloadable Online Catalog
Weeks Roses 2015 Online Downloadable Catalog
Proven Winners ‘Oso Easy’ Roses
Weeks Roses And Star Roses are wholesaler’s. Here’s how to enhance your rose shopping experience, you could go to the online wholesale catalogs to identify the roses you want then locate a supplier who has the rose you have identified then order it if you cannot locate it at your garden center. Many Independent Garden Centers carry hybrid teas, grandifloras, floribundas, miniatures, Knock-Out roses. However some of the more exotic types that we mention you will want to order from the bare root sellers. You need to get a move on. As of the first week in April I am still receiving email offers for free shipping, etc. on orders of over $100.00, etc. so you can call to see if there are special offers going on.

Order you Gaga’s Garden Calendar Now.