Biltmore Rose Trial Awards Announced Sept 28, 2019
‘Coral Knock Out® ‘Most Outstanding Rose’ & ‘Best Shrub’ Award
‘Coral Knock Out®’ bred by Will Radler, of Star Roses and Plants wins the prestigious George & Edith Vanderbilt Award for ‘Most Outstanding Rose’ and the Chauncey Beadle Award for ‘Best Shrub’.

The Biltmore Rose Trials run for two years judged four times a year. ‘Coral ‘Knock Out® bred by Will Radler of Star Roses and Plants won ‘Most Outstanding Rose’, and ‘Best Shrub’.
Another Star Rose is born, Plantastar that is. ‘Coral Knock Out®’, bred by the infamous breeder of the 2018 World Federation of Rose Societies ‘Hall of Fame’ Rose ‘Double Knock Out®’ the rose that changed the world of landscapes, Will Radler, and winner of ‘Best Climber’, ‘Highwire Flyer’ last year, ‘Coral Knock Out®’ Congratulations Will, Star Roses & Plants, and Ball Horticulture. We missed you Brad Yoder. Wished you were there to collect your awards.
‘Cupid’s Kiss ‘Gilded Age Award’ ‘Best Climber’ by Christian Bedard, Weeks Roses

‘Best Climber’

Spray of ‘Cupid’s Kisses’ cut from the winning plant of the Biltmore Rose Trials on Sept. 18, 2019
‘Moonlight Romantica’ By Meilland Wins ‘Best Hybrid Tea Rose’

‘Moonlight Romantica’ cut from the rose bush in the Biltmore Rose Garden the day of the judging.
‘Bliss Parfuma’ by Kordes Wins ‘Best Floribunda’

‘Sweet Hips’ Wins ‘Best General Impression’ & ‘Best Disease Resistant’

Cutting from the shrub the day of the judging of ‘Sweet Hips’. Paul Zimmerman stated ‘Sweet Hips’ was only 4/10 of a point less than ‘Coral Knock Out® of the top scoring rose for ‘Most Outstanding Rose’
Sept. 27th Biltmore Rose Garden Reception

Until next year that’s the results for this year’s rose trials. You can trust the results of the Biltmore Rose Trials. I judge the roses and I grow them as well. These roses are the best roses you can grow in your home gardens I guarantee.