Rose Rosette Disease Safe Removal
‘Double Knock Out®’ Rose, inducted into the World Federation of Rose Societies Hall of Fame is my husband’s favorite rose. He requested, when we moved back to Illinois, that I plant one right outside of his pool room. Last year it was infected with Rose Rosette Disease, a tiny mite that originated from the multi-flora wild rose. The microscopic mite is so tiny it’s all but invisible to the naked eye. All or shall we say any rose can be susceptible that’s why we must remain vigilant watching for infection in our gardens and remove any infected plants immediately. carefully. It can be transmitted by the wind. Signs of it are a witches broom growth reddish type growth beginning at the top of your plant. A sure sign is lots of thorns. As of yet there are no cures but some roses are resistant like ‘Top Gun’, and some of the ‘Rosa Rugosas’.
‘Top Gun’ Resistant To Rose Rosette Disease

‘Double Knock Out’ with RRD
Last year my rose apprentice Drew Carroll and I thought we had completely removed this bush but undoubtedly we had not. It came back clean from the root and after I came back from the Biltmore Rose Trials the strange growth appeared again so we were wrong. I went to leading RRD expert Dr. Mark Windham’s class at the Southern Il. University Extension Class at Decatur, IL to a packed class of the Master Gardeners and the Stephen F. Decatur American Rose Society and this is exactly how he instructs removal of Rose Rosette Disease safely and effectively.
beautiful 🙂