Is gardening glamorous? Today it was. Kim Ritzenthaler of www.kimtakespictures.com took pictures for gagasgarden and for an extraordinary experience go to her site and click on her macro photography of her nature slide show. It is an experience in wonderment.
In the 8o’s I headed up a French line of cosmetics and toured the US with make-up artists from Paris, France not Paris, Texas. When the président directeur general Thierry Mauvernay of Innovation Scientifique Dermatologique visited he explained, as I escorted him back to DFW for his flight back to Paris, “Sue, it is now difficult to have new artists travel to the US, you make them work too hard.†And here’s what will amaze you. I was pleased at his remarks, I took this as a compliment. We travelled to every major metro in the US, hit the stores by 7:30 AM for kick-off breakfasts, pep rallies to pump up the troops, and then worked all day until the stores would close at 9:00 P.M, including week-ends. The French girls were young so they partied until who knows. They never appeared weary after 9:00 PM when it was time to go out and hit the dance clubs in every major metro across the country.
And you say Gaga “What does this have to do with gardening, and growing roses?†And I say once again, EVERYTHING!†Gardening is hard work and it’s all about passion. Someone once said to me in a very sappy voice. So hear extra sappy when you read this “What a nice little hobby you have. “ And I inwardly coiled up like a fer-de-lance, a member of the viper family of snakes, which is the most deadly poisonous snake on the planet.  Being outside, planting and growing things is essential to my soul. Doing this is a need not an option so we can’t categorize it as a hobby. If for some reason I have to live in a high rise apartment then I would devise a place to grow things.
Whatever stage you are at, hobby or necessity we are going to walk a new path together.
One beautiful afternoon a dear friend, Susan Davis was over for a wine and rose tour and by that time I was showered and looking quite presentable and for some reason we got on the topic of whether she thought gardening was a glamorous “hobby.†I excused myself and returned dressed in my protective spraying clothing, my respirator for spraying, gloves, tennis elbow brace for the acute tendinitis I had developed from pruning roses, not tennis and my Solo pump back pack sprayer. I know she will never see me the same way again.
Now that I have explained gardening is lots of work and can be glamorous and it was today thanks to Kim I have a little circuitous work to do. I have to go to the HR Southwest Conference in Fort Worth through Tuesday then go to the spectacular Gaylord Texas for the Texas Association of Builders Sunbelt Builders Show where I will hope to gain some insights toward building the greenhouse. However, we have purchased the supplies and I have arranged to interview some landscape designers for the kid’s garden.
I am so excited about the pictures the lovely Kim Ritzenthaler took of this spectacular fall garden today. She got such beautiful shots that I almost collapsed laughing when my husband looked at one particular shot where my head is emerging from the flowers and started singing from the Wizard of OZ “We Are The Lollipop Guild†and both he and Kim did the Lollipop Guild dance on this glorious day in the garden. I will leave you with that song playing in your head as it has mine all day because that wasn’t enough for  my husband to sing and dance that song he had to show me the clip on YouTube of the Lollipop Guild and how I looked just like ‘em when they emerged from the flowers. That’s better than a space alien in my respirator and Solo pump back sprayer and elbow brace I suppose.
The interviews with landscape professionals on winter perennials, kid’s garden and greenhouse coming soon. Reports from the HR Southwest maybe but definitely from the beautiful spectacular Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas at the Association of Builders Texas (TAB) at the Sunbelt Builders Show next Wednesday through Saturday night.
I love the pictures you posted with this entry and look forward to the glamorous shots you have promised. I don’t think I know the Lollipop Guild song so I will see if I can find it on Youtube.
Beautiful pictures in this entry. Can’t wait to see Kim’s shots of your garden. I looked at her webpage nature photos – WOW. This is going to be good!
According to Kim Ritzenthaler “Asking the question “what kind of camera should I buy?” Is like asking “what kind of car should I buy?” There are many questions to answer first about how the camera will be used and what are the needs of the buyer. Are they are looking for a basic point-and-shoot or an advanced system with interchangeable lenses, etc…there’s quite a range of products out there.”
You are so stinking funny!! Can’t wait to see more pics!
Dearest Gorgeous Donna, And I have to say you are pretty stinkin’ funny yourself!I’m laughin’ just writin’ this note. I’m thinkin’ of a Jack Handy Quote right now and laughing
“I hope they never find out that lightning has a lot of vitamins in it, because do you hide from it or not?”
Love You Girl
Very interesting perspective, post, and tie-in, my friend 🙂 Well done!
Dear Margie, I am so excited to see my Tweet Mentor and Ad Agency Maven Extraordinaire at gagasgarden. I hope you will be a frequent visitor. Thank-you
Beautiful pictures! and I’m pretty sure you are cross dressing one of them… 🙂
Jaimee, It is quite possible 🙂 That remains to be seen. Gaga
This is a good post and may be one to be followed up to see what goes on
A neighbor emailed this link the other day and I am eagerly hoping for your next write. Continue on the excellent work.
This a fabulous post and may be one that you should followed up to see how things go
A friend mailed this link the other day and I am excitedly waiting your next content. Continue on the remarkable work.
Hi Hockey Forum, I am working quickly because I am sure you know about cold. I have been talking about cold and building a greenhouse and am feeling the pressure. So tonight I had to get going on the greenhouse post. Now even my son who I have mentioned would rather have his back ground off with a sander than be bitten by chiggers is nagging me about getting posts up, you can read about him further down in the BLOG. Keep reading, I’ll keep writing 🙂 Gaga
Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
“OUI” have a live time of gardening experience and information and will keep providing it as long as we are growing and learning. Thank-you for your comment. Gaga
Dear Aparadekto, Thank-you for this comment and I will look into fixing this
I like to read http://www.gagasgarden.com everyday
halo 4 teaser
Hi GamerO,
Thanks for your comment! I hope you will watch the garden tours on YouTube as well. Thanks for reading and your comments are always welcome.
I have been putting in new country rose gardens in Illinois and will have lots of new stories to write about.