Many of you have asked what does “OUI Theory” mean? It simply means “Yes dear.” It means all the lofty plans you had for the week-end can be completed in your absence if “OUI” will continue on the agreed upon course of action. This term can be applied to either partner so please do not think that this is a term wives teach their husbands. This is a team concept. It is a gardening concept that works exceptionally well. Let me give you an example. “OUI” theory was born one Sunday afternoon right in the family room. “OUI” had a very aggressive gardening schedule. Now albeit the plan was put into play by me and executed by “us”.

However the gardening play clock was running out late in the game on a Sunday afternoon, and I said these famous words, “Why don’t we spray the roses tomorrow?”
Logical, right? I was going to be at work and my husband is retired. He looked at me with the most incredulous look on his face and asked me how “we” could possibly do that since “I” was not going to be here. Easy, I then explained to him the concept of “OUI Theory”. He gets it now.
There’s the background. This amazing partner rapidly came around to the team concept of “OUI Theory”; although when I was going up in the attic to get the LED pumpkin on Halloween all he said was “I don’t like for you to go in the attic.” Famous last words, because then he said “OK then don’t go wandering around up there,” which I did and then I fell through the ceiling. You can read about the free fall in “Gaga Should Stay in the Garden.”

Any rate 1/2 of the “OUI Theory” Team had to have a hip replacement on Thursday at Presbyterian Hospital in Plano, Texas. I want to share with all of you what an outstanding health care provider this facility is. My husband’s doctor is Dr. Barrington of the Texas Center for Joint Replacement http://www.tcjr.com/ Dr. Barrington said the surgery could not have gone any better.

Hospital, staff and atmosphere is one of hope and cheer.

Since is the the Christmas Season I wanted to show you the tremendous impact of a cheerful environment that meets a patient and their families.
Some of the most beautiful, bright and cheerful decorations

have been carefully placed right outside the critical care waiting rooms.

Special play rooms have been set up for children in extremely stressful situations. Because many times the children are facing some of lives most difficult moments while in the hospital.

My husband is home and on the mend. He will be ready for the heavy load of gardening in spring with a new hip so his timing was flawless. What is most amazing is after surgery and the joint was replaced he was up and walking within a few hours. For Christmas it’s him in his walker and me in my boot all snuggled down for a long winter’s nap. Probably not. 😉

Gaga, I hope the other half of your OUI Team recovers quickly. Have a merry Christmas!
Hi Chris,
He is a good natured guy, except when he is a patient! He does not like to have to ask anybody to assist him! But he is a sweetheart and doing well. Thank-you for your kind thoughts, I will tell him. We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!
The other half of the banged up OUI Team 🙂
Sounds like “oui” are in good hands! Thank you for sharing this lovely story. Please dispense hugs for a quick recovery. OUI need you!
Hi Laura,
I have missed you! I hope you’ll be back all the time! He is so easy to hug but not a good patient! He doesn’t want to ask for any assistance! 🙂
Hope you and your wonderful family have a joyous holiday season.
So sorry that half of ‘oui’ had to have surgery, but glad it is over and successful. What beautiful pictures from the hospital you have posted for our enjoyment! Keep those gardening tips coming-who knows, I might be motivated to get up and do some of them! Just returned from a Christmas lights trip to Fredericksburg and San Antonio by way of Johnson City. The lights at the Johnson City Electric Coop need to be seen by all!
Hi Linda,
He is doing well. I am getting back on schedule with some soil interviews and garden planning for spring! Thanks for the Christmas lights tip, maybe I’ll gather up the kiddos and take a little trip. 😉
Love, Gaga
I so enjoyed the post! And please tell the wonderful partner that I’m going to explain the Oui theory to my guy. I hope it is as successful! Hope yours is healing well.
But oh, the pictures really made this great! I loved seeing the trees, and the kids’ shining faces.
You do good work and good things, Gaga!
Hi Paula,
I reinforce that theory often and every way I can so you can count on me telling him. He is sitting at his desk across from me and I’m telling him as I type. Paula, I wish I had had a camera for the look of amazement on his face that first day he got it about “We can spray on Monday.” while I was at work. Priceless.
Take care and work on refining the theory,