‘A Garden Is A Marshmallow World” ~ Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
‘A Garden Is A Marshmallow World” ~ Susan Fox
Beautiful Izzy Cat Hat Juxtoposed to Butt Head!? Pets like routines. Don’t you think they need their routines as much as their human companions? If we don’t go to bed when Izzy thinks its bed time she starts running around acting like a sheep herder, corralling one or the other Continue Reading
“The ‘I Love You More Than List’ of a four year old that will melt your heart into ice cream puddles.” ~ Susan Fox
This is a glimpse at the simplicity of managing life’s expectations. The family was all sitting around visiting. I said “I’m writing a Thanksgiving post about what I’m thankful for.” Out-of-the-blue, Big Daddy announces, “I’m thankful I haven’t had my first heart attack.” You can imagine he’s a pretty happy Continue Reading
What a cool spring! Weather now fascinates me. Did you ever see the Saturday Night Live skit She Turned Into Her Mother? Summary: In a horror movie spoof, a man (Tom Hanks) watches idly as his wife (Julia Sweeney) makes the full transformation into her mother. That’s now me. Here’s Continue Reading