You learn a lot when you move to a new community. Like who your new neighbors are. I just never expected some of them to look like living Muppets and to be so curious about us. The other neighbors are just as wonderful, miniature donkeys, goats, guineas hens, chickens, turkeys, cattle, you name it, we’ve got ’em. It started out as a real adventure. We took grandchildren Gabi, Erik, & Ella and their parents to visit the donkey’s and alpaca’s next door. Erik with the exuberance that fills his all boyish nature raced ahead to the donkey coral. I was in hot pursuit, very protective and grandmotherly, you see. Just as Erik got close enough to the fence the very robust little donkey put his head way back and let out a donkey bray that would have alerted Zeus the god of sky and thunder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeus.

Erik did not make a sound, not a whimper or a cry, he turned tail and as fast as his legs would carry him ran like the cartoon character RoadRunner, like the wind and I think I heard that same sound effect as I took off after him over the gravel drive. His daddy, mama, and pa said they would have paid a great deal to have that little clip of me chasing him on film. I never did catch him. It appeared to me from behind like his feet never were touching the ground, after all how many braying donkeys are there running around in Plano, Texas? Another beauty of living here is we awaken to the sound of those little donkeys braying, now how cool is that says the former urban farmer? We’ll be talking about planning the rose gardens, I just had to tell you about exposing the kids to country life after an urban setting. I start reading to second graders tomorrow. Keep you posted. Here’s my scary Texas grandkids in their costumes from last Halloween.

Here’s a picture of a baby Alpaca and he truly looks like a little Muppet.

Cute, cute, cuties! I see they have already been up to visit the Grandparents! Some of us Texas relatives still live out in the wide open spaces-a far cry from Big D. Sounds like such a great place to live!
Your Cuz (one of the many!)
That was a fun read. Looking forward to hearing all about your new home and garden! Especially the roses! Enjoy!
Reminds me of my grandson chasing the peacock, until he caught it. Ooops! Kids in the country-side, made for each other.