Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Living rose bushes make the perfect gift. Star Roses Apricot Drift, and the ever popular Weeks Roses ‘Julia Child’ are perfect for the garden and/or transplanting in a beautiful piece of garden art. You can select a hand-painted pot for Mom to transplant your rose into. Another idea is to find a rose named for Mom, Grandmother, or a favorite relative, write a card telling Mom you ordered your ‘Create A Memory For Mom’ from an online catalog. I guarantee this will make Mom happy while you’ve created a memory that lives on.

Here’s 13 Reason’s Mom May Want A Rose Garden For Mother’s Day. Then every gift giving occasion you can add roses to the garden or yard and garden art for decorating the garden. Perhaps you and your Mom, or Grandmother, aunts and so on have been wanting bird baths or a decorative fountains, now holidays and birthdays will be a good time to let that be known. One Mother’s Day my son’s family gave me wind chimes for the rose garden. I can hear them at night or at dawn as a gently breeze picks up and its such a beautiful sound. Your new rose garden opens up new possibilities for collectables, yard and garden art as gifts.
Love, Joy, & Beauty.
“I have told you these things so My joy may be in you and your joy may be full.” ~ NLV John 15:11 Planting a rose, watching it transform from sticks and thorns in the ground to producing glorious blooms all season rewards you for your effort in spades.
Roses attract beneficial pollinators; butterflies, bees, & hummingbirds.
Beautification of your home & neighborhood; roses improve ‘curb appeal’. Roses give your landscape color, design & Â originality.
Gaga’s Little Red Barn, A Symbol of the country lifestyle, and the transition of urban life, moving from Plano, Texas to a village of 1100 in Illinois. -
A Rose Garden is a Gathering Place for Family & Friends.
Erik Posing Naturally by ‘Europeana’ -
Create your own cutting garden for your home. Be your own flower arranger. Every home is more elegant with fresh flowers. Grace your home with fresh roses that you plant, nurtured and cultivate.
Bouquet of Roses | Flower Arranging -
Exercise. Rose Gardening is good exercise. You can get a calorie calculator from the Fitness Magazine. About 2 hours of gardening burns 500 calories!
Susan Fox Digging In The Rose Garden -
Bird Sanctuary; lots of birds love rose hips as a dietary supplement.
Cardinals Love The Rose Garden -
Photography; Â roses and rose gardens are a natural draw for photographers. The ever-changing quality aspect of the bloom from bud to fully open rose have a mesmerizing quality for photographers.
The American Rose Society Judges Class Winners | ARS National Convention, New York, 2015 -
Meet New Friends, join a rose or garden club, meet amazing folks!
Alain Meilland, of Meilland Roses International -
Commune with Nature. The changing scenes create a prayerful serenity.
‘Heirloom at Sunrise’
Bred by William A. Warriner (United States, 1972).
Introduced in United States by Jackson & Perkins Co. as ‘Heirloom’. -
Become a Collector; collect many varieties of roses. There’s a type of rose and a variety for every garden. You can plant a rose for Mom, Grandmother, your favorite Aunt, ‘Uncle Joe’, and ‘St. Patrick’.
Karen Kemp-Docksteader, Sales & Marketing Manager for Weeks Roses - Teach others.http:/https://youtu.be/xLk0IiYi8OY
The Rose Garden and Companion Proven Winner Plantings More Friends To Meet in Roses

Beauty in your garden and in friendships. Roses are always bringing people together! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone could have s rose garden!
Dear Teresa,
I wish we could come to your Rosefest!
Maybe we will surprise you!