Here’s a frequently asked question:
“What’s a great climbing rose bush?”Â
‘7 Traits of a Good Climbing Rose’

‘Party Hardy’
‘Above All’
‘Cape Diamond’
7 Traits of a Great Climbing Rose Bush:
- Perpetual Bloom Cycle
- Winter Hardiness Tested in zones 3-9
- Colorful
- Disease resistant
- Fragrant
- Easy care
- Vigorous rapid bloom cycle
‘Party Hardy’, ‘Above All’, and ‘Cape Diamond’ each possess the above listed seven attributes. After the winter of 2017 many folks are asking me about roses that are winter hardy. What if you could plant roses that are winter hardy and possess each of the 7 attributes listed above. Wouldn’t you consider that a win-win for your garden collection?
‘Cape Diamond’ is one of the most disease resistant varieties in the rose world. Free of black spot, powdery mildew, rust & downey mildew guaranteed, this rose is a gem. Bred in Canada, and proven perfectly adaptable for harsh winters this vigorous rose can be grown as a large spreading shrub or trained as a climber as well.
Now you can plan on adding three beautiful minimal care climbing winter hardy roses to your garden.
Event: Richmond Rose Society Show
Date: May 26th, 2018
Time: 2:30 PM EST
Topic: ‘Roses For Every Garden’
Sponsors: Corona Garden Tools
Thank you for your video, Susan. I would love to know more about pruning these roses into shrubs. I am considering the Above All rose, because of the gorgeous color, and wondering how to do this. There is surprisingly little information available, and one gardener did warn that the rose will never bloom again. Your “Above All” is blooming beautifully.
Regards, Susan (zone 4 Calgary, Canada)
Remember this simple phrase: Climbers bloom on ‘old wood’ so don’t prune them until they bloom in the spring. With that said it’s very easy after the rose ‘leafs out in the spring to see the canes that are flat out DEAD. Cut them out to the ground. Then after the first bloom cut out all old canes, and shape your climber the way you want it to look. I’m sorry for this late reply, I didn’t see this message. But it you will send me your address I will send you a Corona Tools pruning book. It’s private unless I click approve so no worries.
Susan Fox