America’s Sweetheart ‘Doris Day
Inspired by big screen and singing legend ‘America’s Sweetheart’ Doris Day, this lovely yellow rose personified the joyful, sparkling, talented icon. ‘Doris Day’, the Hollywood Star passed away this week on May 13th at the age of 97 at her home in Carmel Valley, CA. It seems fitting to honor her with this ‘Doris Day’ rose tribute with pictures of my ‘Doris Day from Gaga’s Garden.

Qualities That Makes ‘Doris Day’ Special
‘Doris Day’ floribunda originated from the same cross that produced the varieties ‘Sparkle & Shine’ and ‘Jump for Joy’ Bred by Christian Bedard of Weeks Roses. These three sister roses are different yet all share the same super-floriferous attributes. ‘Doris Day’ in particular is a sunny yellow that fills your garden with a sweet, spicy aroma. Old fashioned blooms in round clusters on vigorous stems. The color has incredible staying power and the yellow does not fade, lasting with a hint of gold until you deadhead or the petals drop.
“Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children.’ ~ Doris Day

Parentage: Julie Newmar x Julia Child
If you don’t have a ‘Doris Day’ and run across one be sure to acquire it. You’ll be glad you did. We will miss you Doris Day, I’m glad we have a rose named for you. Rest In Peace.