Today its a rose jungle, in spring an english garden, always changing, never static from rose buds to fully open rose the garden creates a different landscape everyday.
The World of Everything that Grows.
Today its a rose jungle, in spring an english garden, always changing, never static from rose buds to fully open rose the garden creates a different landscape everyday.
“Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children. ~ Doris Day
This is the most in depth look at ‘The Life & Times’ of the creator of the English Rose, David C.H. Austin, Maker of Heavenly Roses’ who spent an outstanding lifetime working to make tangible contributions to the evolution of roses. His life is a
wonderful story well worth telling for generations to marvel at his
achievements. ~ Dr. Tommy Cairns
David C. H. Austin Snr., Father of English Roses, will be remembered as one of the greatest rose breeders and rosarians of all time, and is also responsible for creating the world’s first horticultural brand.
‘All a’ Twitter’ Description:
Twinkling brilliant orange
Tall, medium size blooms
Winter hardy
*Roses require 6-8 hours of full sun. They will bloom with 4 hours of full sun but they have more foliage and less blooms.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.†― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Plan your rose garden today