John Mattia holding ‘Dona Martin’Â and his American Rose Magazine cover feature ‘Veterans Honor’ winner of the Digital Photography Hybrid Tea Award Winning ‘Veterans Honor’

The American Rose Society National Convention is September 10-13, Syracuse, NY at the Holiday Inn, Syracuse
Photography Panelist Sally Long | Award Winning ‘Dick Clark’

Photography Moderator and American Rose Society National Chair of Photography
Curtis Aumiller and his award winning ‘Sally Holmes’

Photography Panelist Bill Kozemchak | Award Winning Bev Parish’

Susan Fox and her award winning ‘Neil Diamond’

 Y’all come see us!
Chris Van Cleave of Rosechat Radio| Susan Fox | Teresa Byington of A Garden Diary
The American Rose Society leadership invited the worlds leading authorities on roses to come and they’re all coming. That’s just a fact. Simply stated the most famous hybridizers and rose authorities in the world will be there: Michael Marriott, David Austin Roses of the UK.

Will Radler, creator of the original Knock Out® Rose who changed the world’s landscape forever introduced by The Conard-Pyle Co./Star® Roses Company;

Alain Meilland from Meilland International, whose family “got into roses” around 1850, creator of the worlds most famous rose, ‘Peace’; and roses that continue to make an impact across the world.

Thomas Proll, Lead Breeder of Kordes Roses, Germany; Steve Hutton, President and CEO of Conard-Pyle Co./Star® Roses; Dr. Dave Byrne, AgriLife Research Horticulturist of Texas A&M; and Dr. Jim Sproul, General Director, Rose Hybridizers Assoc., Bakersfield, CA. This meeting will include the swearing in of the new American Rose Society president Ms. Pat Shanley and the newly elected Vice President Mr. Robert Martin, who will also be doing a presentation on showing roses. And we will thank Ms. Jolene Adams and current officers for their service. If you can come to this convention I can truly say this is the most outstanding line-up of speakers I have ever seen at a convention. Come join us whether you are interested in roses, gardening, learning or socializing there’s lots for you to do. And we would love to meet you. The dates are September 10-13, 2015, Syracuse, New York at the Holiday Inn, Syracuse. If the hotel is booked they have an adjoining hotel and many others in the area. Or plan a day trip. Call ARS if you need any details or contact me via this post.
The name of the photography presentation that I am so honored to have been asked to be a part of is:
Getting That Award-Winning Rose PHOTO
American Rose Society Fall Convention: Friday, September 11, 2015: 1:15-2:15 Syracuse, NY, Holiday Inn, Syracuse
Corona Tools, is sponsoring a special surprise for attendees to the photography session

The moderator of our photography presentation will be Curtis Aumiller, ARS National Chair of Photography from Camp Hill , PA. The panelists are Bill Kozemchak, Levittown, PA; Sally Long, El Cajon, CA; and John Mattia, Orange, CA., I was asked to be part of this panel and I am ecstatic about it.

My Rosechat friends Teresa Byington and Chris VanCleave are the Rose Show Award Presentation Master of Ceremonies as well so we will be doing a live twitter feed that night promoting the event via Rosechat and twitter. Especially if you live anywhere close so that you can make this a week-end or a day trip just check out the schedule below. I guarantee you will make friends for life.
American Rose Society Convention Schedule-At-A-Glance
Pat Shanley To Be sworn in as New ARS President

2015 Star® Roses and Plants/Conard-Pyle collection of roses featured at The Chicago Flower & Garden Show

Our new Executive Director of the American Rose Society Laura ‘Sees’ Roses Seabaugh, and John Beaty, of Beaty Fertilizer Company, maker of Mills Magic Rose Mix fertilizer sponsor of the Chicago Flower and Garden Show.

 ‘Elle’ A Meilland Rose

Will be nice to have everyone together!