Izabelle (Izzy) is a cat. She is unlike any other cat. Everyone says that but does your cat jump in the bath with tubby toys and follow you like a puppy and lick tape? The day I fell out of the attic, Halloween, I didn’t scream when I fell out of the attic. I had enough time to contemplate how much it was going to hurt when I hit the cement. I screamed my bloody head off while I was laying next to the wheel well of the tires of my car so my husband could gather me up and get me to the hospital. Izzy heard me. My husband said he heard a tumbling sound. He thought it was boxes I was throwing down the stairs for him to take inside but Izzy jumped straight up like a Halloween kitty and headed for the door. If I don’t hide the lint roller she will obsess over it. She waits until I get out of the shower then she gets in and lays in the warm water left in the shower. She comes when she is called like a puppy. She likes laundry basket rides where you propel her into the air and she comes when she is called to get them. When we are making the bed she jumps up and gets under the bedspread and straight legs the bedspread and if you pat her feet she keeps her feet straight up under the bedspread. She likes to do this as a routine everyday. However, if the doors to the outside world are open she plans a way to hide, take aim at the door, run as fast as she can to escape. Then we have to coral her back in the house.

She is a spoiled ungrateful house cat. It was this cat that today on our way to lunch I needed to stop at Petco to get kitty litter and miscellaneous supplies for. Now if I haven’t mentioned it before I work with my son Michael and he was in the car while I ran in to get Izzy’s supplies. When we pulled into Petco it was lunch time and there were no other cars in the lot so when I heard a car alarm going off while I was in the extensive kitty department I was fairly certain it was my car alarm but I couldn’t imagine why Michael would be setting off the alarm or more disturbing yet why would he need the panic button. I pointed my key fob toward the car and tried to disarm it but it kept going off and then it stopped for a minute then it started up again. The young woman had some trouble ringing up the items and when

I got to the car Michael said “I called Dad and told him I’m reporting you to child protective services because I’m dressed in black, you left me in a locked the car, set the alarm and I couldn’t get out and when I started talking it set off the alarm and I couldn’t get out. Then I intentionally set it off again because it was getting hot and I still couldn’t get out, and you still weren’t back.â€Â Now we won’t discuss Michael’s age but he has three kids and I don’t know why I locked him in and set the alarm and hobbled off. But there is a lesson here. One is never too old to lock their kids in the car, accidentally. And one’s kids are never too old to be locked in the car, accidentally.  Not sure what the lesson is there.  It’s nothing to be taken lightly for sure but it was 60 degrees in Dallas and I didn’t even realize I had locked and set the alarm. Now Michael did say if he had to he could have used his iPhone to smash out the windows (in jest of course because he never would have done that, he likes that new phone too much) but he had the phone to call any number of people like he called his Dad or 911, or any number of organizations to assist him. Or one might say don’t wear black and stay in the car at Petco

This is the picture of the beautiful bouquet the Texas Association of Builders sent me to cheer me along on a speedy recovery after my fall out of the attic.
Wow, I am impressed by the intelligence of your cat Izzy. Maybe Michael needs to take lessons from her!
Dear Linda,
You know that is a good tip. It appears the cat may be a little smarter than Mike is. He was locked in the car and couldn’t get out and I had my cell phone in the store and yet he called his Dad at home to report me, LOL
You have done this to me before as well…stopping and picking up lunch for someone else…I’m just saying 😉
Dear Anonymous Tree Hugger,
This is one sad story and let that be a lesson to you. If you shop with me you better get the keys or I’ll lock you in and set the alarm!
Tough Love,
GREAT blog Gaga! Izzy The Cat LOL Great cat! I love how cats can be so intelligent. Wow Gaga you are one trooper! Falling through the ceiling, you get back up and are ready to Rock! You have such a positive attitude. Blessings to you!
Dear Sebastian,
That cat Izzy is one smart cat and can be very vindictive but is great company! I am very fortunate that I wasn’t hurt worse but it’s true Mike and Tanna are hounding me like I have been a lay-about or something and need to get more content rich gardening blog info and interviews going so no more whining about falling out of the attic. LOL Thanks for commenting Sebastian and we need to get your blog going!
Looking forward to your next blog! Thx for kickin’ me in the butt LOL I have got to rock some more blogs!
Hi Sebastian,
I have the draft up of a garden tour video and I am writing some rose garden tips and more winter protection info and will post this week-end
Thanks for all your encouragement!
Gaga, I have just rolled with laughter reading this post. Your cat Izzy is somethin’ special, and I agree with you that your son needs to just keep more alert next time!! Thanks for a fantastic post.
Dear Genevieve,
I am so glad to hear it affected you the same way it did me when my 40+ son said “I called Dad and told him I’m reporting you to CPS, you locked me in the car and I’m dressed in all black!” I about died laughing and he kept setting off the car alarm on top of it all while I was getting kitty litter! My cousin said maybe the cat is smarter than Michael because why didn’t he call my cell instead of his Dad’s cell? lol Hope you read “Are You Haunted By the Ghosts of Plants You’ve Killed with Kindness.” I couldn’t read it aloud to my husband without laughing too hard. I tried three times. If you enjoy the blog please share it with your friends and Web site visitors. I would love to learn more about your company. I do interviews with readers and followers. Next post will be about Annie Haven of The Haven Brand. She sells Moo-Poo, soil conditioner.
Warmest Regards,