One person can make a difference in the world by teaching people how to grow their own garden.

the Chicago Flower & Garden Show
They do work that matters. They change communities. That’s what LaManda Joy is doing in Chicago one garden at a time. Have you heard about it? It’s called the Peterson Garden Project.

She wrote Fearless Food Gardening in Chicagoland to teach folks how to garden, help fund the project and start gardens in their own communities. It’s all about empowering people by teaching them how to grow their own food. She was also a featured speaker at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show, by Tony Abruscato, President Flower Show Productions also a very active supporter of this worthy cause.
The Peterson Garden Project is a not-for-profit organization that is looking to inspire everyone to grow their own food and in their community. Their mantra is: “If you love the taste of a homegrown tomato, are curious about growing food yourself, and would like to make urban gardening the norm, not the exception — then we’re looking for you!”

They have modeled their prototype after the Victory Gardens started during WWII when Chicagoans started 1,500 commnunity gardens, and more than 250,000 people started home gardens, too.

They did it all in four short years, and 90% of the people had never gardened before. They say its true that most people today don’t know how to grow food, but it’s a challenge we’ve met before just as Chicagoans did before with the Victory Gardens.

Sunday the youth pastor Max Harris of Ramsey Christian Church said “everyday when you wake up ask your self what does love require me to do?’ If you know a child that’s never had the joy of eaten a tomato fresh from the garden maybe its time to invest in The Peterson Garden Project and your community. If you want to know more about donating to the Peterson Garden Project just follow this link Donate. #Fearlessin14
Impressive — thanks for the article and information. We who love to garden forget that few of us do – garden that is
Dear Shenandoah,
I do so appreciate your comment. It was such an inspiration to see the work that LaManda Joy is accomplishing in the city of Chicago by teaching people how to grow their own food. One person can make a big difference in the lives of so many.
Susan Fox