“What do you want for Christmas?”
Do you get that deer in the headlights look when asked this question? As a doer, giver and caretaker of others, does it make you uncomfortable when asked “what do you want for Christmas?” As a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, son, good neighbor, friend, and a care-taker of others even if during the year you’ve thought of things you want is it difficult for you to think of things you want and even harder to ask for them? Let me give you some ideas. Let’s reflect on the variety of things you can do as a rose gardener and this may give you some ideas of things you could ask for.Â

Rose Accessorizing

Flower Arranging

Showing Roses

Extension of your interior design

Rose Collections
Gift Ideas for the Gardener
Rose Photographer: camera, camera equipment, lens, stabilizer,
Rose Accessorizing: Baskets, drying equipment, books on uses of rose petals, flower drying, how to make potpourri
Flower Arranger:Â Unusual vases, books on arranging, classes on flower arranging
Showing Roses: log onto www.rose.org and sign up for membership for either one year membership or call for availability for a trial membership for your loved one. There’s so much for members on showing roses for members online.
Extension of your interior design:Â Subscription to Gardening magazines, Books, books, books!

Rose Collections: Gift Certificates are always the perfect gift. They are available at most garden centers and right now Jackson & Perkins roses are available for pre-ordering if you see a little box by the rose.

Gardening Tools
Do you know anyone that has too many gardening tools?! No? Neither do I. They make a perfect gift for someone who loves rose gardening. And whatever tool you get from Corona Tools makes a wonderful gift. An especially wonderful gift also is an engraved tulip trowel from Dewit Garden Tools. DeWit makes some of the most beautiful and quality tools on the market. And oh my goodness, let’s not forget this seedkeeper kit. It is just amazing and it was created by entrepreneurs Carol & Kerrie, The Seedkeepers. I hope I’ve given you some ideas. I know it’s so hard to come up with ideas and even more difficult to ask for things but just maybe this will give you the gentle nudge you need to ask for some of the gardening items you really want but might have forgotten to write down through the year.

And last but not least gauntlets make a nice gift and one can never have too many gardening gloves! Happy Shopping for the gardeners on your list.