Growing Roses can be as simple or complex as you want it to be.
For those of you that have told me you want an easy guide to growing roses I’ve created a 2014 garden planner filled with basic things-to-do each month featuring pictures of roses from Gaga’s garden. There’s a community of rosarians that are always there to share their knowledge with you, via the American Rose Society, this garden planner encourages you to connect with us for all of your rose questions. Here’s a list of friends on twitter always willing to engage:
Jolene Adams          President of the American Rose Society            @Jolene_Adams
Teresa Byington      Co-Host of Rosechat Radio                               @Agardendiary
Jack Falker             Rosarian, Blogger                                              @mnrosegardener
Brenda Haas            Host of GardenChat                                  @Bg_Garden
Marci Martin           Consulting Rosarian                                          PlantersPlace
Chris VanCleave       Rosarian, Blogger                                             @RedneckRosarian
Baldo Villegas          Entomologist, Consulting rosarian                  @Baldoroses
Elena Williams        Consulting rosarian, Master gardener             @ElenaWilliams
Paul Zimmerman     Author, Consulting rosarian                            @PZimmermanRoses
January is a wonderful time for planning your spring rose garden. Most people today want simple solutions. Determine if your goal is to use roses as landscape accents or create your own rose garden for the most basic of simple pleasures such as viewing, fragrance, or strolling along the garden paths you’ve created. Many people enjoy photography and roses can be a great choice because the flowers are never static. The difference in a rose garden and a bed of begonias is that roses change every day. Each day that you walk in your garden of roses the blooms change dramatically from bud to fully open rose. There is never one day that the plant or the fragrance is exactly the same. The only difference in your planning stage is to determine whether you want to show roses. Showing roses is another story altogether.
Four Seasons of Roses – 2014 Monthly Guide to Rose Care
Purchase planner at Amazon: https://www.createspace.com/4532140
10% of all profits of the sale of Four Seasons of Roses |2014 Monthly Guide to Rose Care will be donated to the American Rose Society Educational Endowment Trust. Become a American Rose Society member today!
Description: Gardeners have expressed to me a desire to have their very own rose garden or add roses to their existing garden for as long as I have grown roses. Most of the time, the only thing standing between a gardener and having the rose garden they desire is a lack of knowing what to do to grow roses or thinking that roses, the queen of flowers, are too difficult to grow. I believe growing roses is easy, fun and certainly rewarding. The Four Seasons of Roses Planner, Monthly Guide to Rose Care, is an easy monthly guide filled with suggested gardening tips of what-to-do each month and all through the year to establish and maintain a healthy, beautiful rose garden. Keeping a journal and recording your garden’s history from year-to-year is fun and an important part of growing your knowledge base of rose growing.
Every rose featured in this garden planner was selected, planted, nurtured and photographed by me in Gaga’s Garden®. Your garden journal of notes will become part of your process of collecting roses and a keepsake. This planner was designed to inspire you and gardeners everywhere to add roses to your garden with simple things-to-do each month. I hope you enjoy the process of learning more each and every year.
President of the American Rose Society, Jolene Adams believes knowledge through education and sharing are both the heart and soul of building the American Rose Society offering a myriad of activities to please all tastes such as:
- How to Grow Beautiful Roses
- Photographing Roses
- Cooking with Roses
- Landscaping With Roses
- Accessorizing with Roses
- Arrangements with Roses
- Collecting Roses
No matter what interest listed in the fore mentioned topics, I believe education is the key to growing beautiful roses. To underscore my commitment to rose education I have decided to donate 10% of all profits of the sale of Four Seasons of Roses |2014 Monthly Guide to Rose Care to the American Rose Society Education Fund. You can purchase your copy and thereby help grow the education fund as well by purchasing your copy today on Amazon https://www.createspace.com/4532140
Warm regards from the garden. I hope to hear from you at www.gagasgarden.com. Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.
Yours truly,
“He who would have beautiful roses in his garden must have beautiful roses in his heart.â€
-Reverend Dean Hole