“I had to beg my Mother-In-Law to give me the Seedkeeper Deluxe Seed Organizer, and I’m glad I did! I just love how easy it is to organize and find my Sakata Seeds! What a useful garden tool!  ~      Tanna Fox
Sakata Seeds and The SeedKeepers Deluxe Seed Organizer Kit is a marriage made in heaven!

Last month the Sakata Seeds folks did a demo at P.Allen Smith’s Garden 2 Blog 2015 at his Moss Mountain Farm in Little Rock, Arkansas. They idea struck me while Tracy Lee was doing her presentation that these seeds are so precious what could be more perfect than the Seedkeeper Deluxe for organizing the seeds?!

Have you ever opened a seed packet and then the remains are scattered about who knows where? And its difficult to keep track of what’s what? Or have you ever planted the perfect seed and then not been able to recall or find the packet it came from? Those days are over with the invention of a product like this from entrepreneurs and friends Kerrie Rosenthal and Carol Niec, who I met at the Chicago Flower & Garden Show speakers reception planned by Bruce Bailey and La Manda Joy, author of “Start A Community Food Garden.”

The Seed Keepers at Gaga’s Garden in Illinois Visiting
These lovely women and my beautiful daughter-in-law who by the way is the ‘boss of me’ are the reason I am planting vegetable gardens now. Oh…that and a few episodes of the Doomsday Preppers. They invented the perfect system and gave me their Deluxe Kit as a house gift for inviting them to stay a few days and go out on the pontoon boat. Teasing Kerrie and Carol I always tell them you plant the seeds and send me plants!
“I wish I had this before we moved from Texas. I threw out hundreds of seeds because I didn’t know what they were! At the time it was easier to toss them than to try and organize them.”
~ Tanna Fox
Well, The Boss, aka, my daughter-in-law and I are planting a Special Needs Kids Garden. The Seedkeepers and my blessed daughter-in-law are the reason I started growing lettuce and all sorts of edibles again. You can tweet or ask Kerrie, I had to tweet her this question one night while we were online chatting about gardening: “How do I harvest my lettuce?” I love these Movie Star Seedkeeper Girls! They know everything about seeds! And remember you can eat roses but they will not sustain ‘Big Daddy’ for long! He eats real food

My grandson has Down Syndrome and is a blessing to us all. He loves to work on projects and especially in the garden. The future of gardening is in the hands of the next generation and especially those with special needs. With that said we, “the Boss” and I have started the “Special Needs Kids Garden, ” in her yard zone 7a.

Tanna was ecstatic to receive the Sakata Seeds, the deluxe SeedKeepers storage kit and so the fun begins. Erik loves to go exploring for plants in the shade so we need ideas for shade plants and edibles that work well growing in perhaps 4 hours of shade.

Planning and putting in your own kids garden is to bring your family together. Often times special needs kids feel isolated. Gardening and working in the garden can give a child a sense of community. We welcome ideas about plants kids love to grow and how you are getting your kids involved in gardening, especially special needs kids. We will be working in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map 7a.

Be sure to go there first and put in your zip code to get your plant hardiness zone to know what types of plants are best for your area. Ideas for plants and your experiences are welcome. Don’t forget I’m on Twitter as @gagasgarden, facebook pages are www.facebook.com/gagasgarden and /gagasgardens and gardenlegends. Tell ‘The Boss’ and me what’s going on in your Kid’s Garden and especially invite Special Needs Kids to participate.
Our wonderful boy is speech delayed yet he has understood everything said to him from an early age. He can become frustrated and upset trying to communicate. Folks can misinterpret his language delay and underestimate his intelligence. This my friends can be a big mistake. Let’s Get it started.

Thank-you Tony, Bruce, and LaManda, whose books are an excellent resource for learning about community garden projects.

Thd kids are having a blast … So nice to see them getting dirty planting!
What a lovely post – great to see the kids planting and dreaming of their own gardens!