“Take advantage of mild fall weather to winterize your roses and get them prepared for the colder days ahead.” Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
“Take advantage of mild fall weather to winterize your roses and get them prepared for the colder days ahead.” Susan Fox
Send send me a picture of your Veteran via twitter @gagasgarden to be added to this post to honor veterans with the Veteran’s Honor Rose
If you are yearning for a rose garden with profusion of bloom, rapid bloom cycles and full showy candelabras of roses you want Floribunda roses
Contrary to ancient edicts to plow under roses for crops we plowed under the crops to put in the Jackson & Perkins trial rose garden, while we can’t eat them they create ambience for wine & rose tours ~ Susan Fox
“August is the time to set the stage for a spectacular fall rose bloom” ~ Susan Fox