“Take advantage of mild fall weather to winterize your roses and get them prepared for the colder days ahead.” Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
“Take advantage of mild fall weather to winterize your roses and get them prepared for the colder days ahead.” Susan Fox
“See How To Fold Your Napkins Into A Rose Bud To Complete A Rose Theme Holiday Table Setting With Fresh Roses Still Blooming From Your Own Garden” ~ Susan Fox
You can trust any rose that’s won in the Biltmore Rose Trials to do well in your garden under similar growing conditions. You can bank on it for a beautiful, sustainable, no-spray rose that’s easy to grow!
My mantra is a “garden is meant to be shared.” The logical expansion place for your rose garden is at your front door, with an Angel Sculpture water fountain.
This rose is just a perfect rose for small space gardens and containers, & it just keeps blooming in clusters of rosy pink blooms!