This week I pruned my Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® Roses with the hedge clippers. My husband was tickled about it. The roses were in his way when he mowed. Now we shall have an English style prim and proper hedge of Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® roses in the fall to show you they are indestructible. Here’s the rotogravure of what the Proven Winner Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® rose bloom has looked like all year.

Today time and investment are factors that affect our decisions in everything we do. Most folks tell me I would have a rose garden if I had the time or roses weren’t so difficult to take care of. Shannon Downey at Proven Winners had asked me to try something new; plant Proven Winners shrub roses in the fall. So I planted all the Oso Happy® and Oso Easy® roses in the fall of 2013 that same year I had also had the good fortune to meet Dr. David Zlesak at the Twin Cities Rose Club.

He has been doing remarkable work to develop winter hardy, disease resistant roses and roses that are resistant to just about every other hindrance that would keep folks from growing roses. Here’s his apricot climber, ‘Above And Beyond.’ Dr. Zlesak sent it to me to test grow it when I returned home. Many of the ‘Oso Happy’ roses were created by him as well. Winter hardy, disease resistant, they bloom like mad and you can prune them with the hedge clippers, they are real winners in every way.

This rose is spectacular. I planted it in the fall along with all of these Proven Winner Oso Easy Roses that Shannon Downey sent me. We agreed to conduct our own test. I have never planted roses in the fall. It subsequently was the coldest winter in Illinois recorded weather history the winter of 2013. This is the second season for the Proven winner shrubs. Last winter the temps were were down to zero. I’m happy to report not one Oso Happy® or Oso Easy® rose was lost to the winter cold. Thank-you to Proven Winners for making these wonderful roses available to the world hybridized by world famous rose hybridizers all listed below: the Meilland Roses International and Chris Warner, UK. What amazingly wonderful plants they are. You truly can’t go wrong with these roses.
Series One: Oso Happy® roses
All bred by David Zlesak: Oso Happy® Candy Oh!

 Oso Happy® Petit Pink

Oso Happy® Smoothie
Series Two: Oso Easy® rosesVarieties bred by Chris Warner, UK:
Oso Easy® Fragrant Spreader

Oso Easy® Honey Bun

Oso Easy® Italian Ice

Oso Easy® Lemon Zest

Oso Easy® Mango Salsa

 Oso Easy® Paprika

Oso Easy® Pink Cupcake
Varieties bred by the late Colin Horner, UK:Oso Easy® Peachy Cream (Not Pictured)

Oso Easy® Strawberry Crush
Varieties developed by Meilland, France
·        Oso Easy® Cherry Pie
·        Oso Easy® Double Red (new to retail 2015)*
Here is a List of The Proven Winner Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® Roses! Roses. Its Interactive! Click To Vote If You Like The Rose, Add Your Own To The List!
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I would love to be able to grow the Oso Happy roses in my Minnesota backyard. I continually fight with the deer that come across a state park into my yard. I am unable to fence in my yard. Would these be deer resistant? When you tested them, was there a big threat of deer eating them?
Thanks for your input.
Hi Tami,
The Oso Happy Roses are resistant to just about everything and I did not have a problem with deer. I have a suggestion. I used moth balls to keep my problem raccoons away. It’s called Enoz No Zone Animal Repellent Stations. And I also had my other rose students apply ammonia to rags on a stick and that worked though not attractive.
Please let me know if this works. I have used Deer Scram and it’s very good too and it just smells like a high concentration of spices. but it works because I used rabbit scram for years.
Please come back and let me know.
Susan Fox