Things began to be tossed about in the rose garden. ‘Golden Showers'(LCI), a yellow large-flowered climber I just planted next to ‘Dublin Bay’ was dug up. The bird bath was slung into ‘Love Song’. Weight of the planters was no object.
It looked like a mini-Incredible Hulk was on a rose-garden rampage. Enter trail-cam. ‘Big Daddy’ is a problem solver. We needed facts. What type of creature are we dealing with? The first night I forgot and let our kitties, re-gifted to us by our grand-kids, fondly known as the garage girls outside and we captured a black kitty.

The second night we camouflaged the cage with ‘Big Daddy’s’ tarp. The temptation that landed us our Rose Garden midnight marauder was sardines! Oh yeah!

Take note that Rosy must have felt right at home in the rose garden since we have a raccoon carving ‘Welcome Statue Carving’ at the entrance of the rose walkway. Look at the Trail Cam pic for the Raccoon carving. Irony abounds at Gaga’s Garden. Now Rosy Raccoon is captured. We believe in safe catch and release. We took her/him to a safe space in the witness protection program, a new identity, by a lake where there are no farms or homes for him to cause mischief or meet us back home before we get back.