This rose is just a perfect rose for small space gardens and containers, & it just keeps blooming in clusters of rosy pink blooms!
Rose Classifications | Review Before You Buy

‘All a’ Twitter’ Description:
Twinkling brilliant orange
Tall, medium size blooms
Winter hardy
*Roses require 6-8 hours of full sun. They will bloom with 4 hours of full sun but they have more foliage and less blooms.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.†― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Plan your rose garden today
Roses; If You Can’t Say Something Nice…
“If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Anything At All” Applies to Roses Too ~ Susan Fox
Rosy Raccoon Raiding Roses

“We handled our midnight rose garden marauder, Rosy Raccoon with a safe catch & release” ~ Susan Fox
Rose Garden Recipe

Key Ingredients : Weeks Roses Ingredients: Roses of your Choice I chose Weeks Roses for this Recipe or you can choose from Star Roses, David Austin Roses of which I have some of each kind in this garden. Remaining ingredients: Canadian Sphagnum Peat Mills Magic Rose Mix Fertilizer* Soak in Continue Reading