Floribunda Rose Garden

The transition from USDA planting zone 7b (Lower South) to 6a (N. & Central Midwest) was a big deal for me. Plano, TX planting zone 7b, where I had over 200 roses is home to places like Dallas, Austin & San Antonio with long hot & humid summers and mild Continue Reading

A Rosarian’s Ode To Lilacs

Something happened on my way to building the new rose garden. A memory so vivid it took my breath away. Fragrance triggers are like lightening bolts in our brain.           The fragrance was the smell of a lilac bush just starting to bloom on a cool Continue Reading

Best Tips For Pruning Roses Stress-Free

I would like to coin a new gardening phrase. Pruning post traumatic stress disorder (PPTSD) I have it, it’s real, I suffer every President’s Day. It occurred from having pruned right after President’s Day in Texas. President’s Day is supposed to be the last day of the danger of a Continue Reading

Live from Gagasgarden

Strand Theory continues to be a lively fun discourse. Whether you believe one goes after one’s hedge’s or not in direct relationship to their personality I stand vindicated on this topic. Control issues aside hold your horses on pruning too early! The goose girl’s are frozen stiff as you see Continue Reading

If OUI® Build It Your Plants Will Survive The Winter

Bunny Has It Made in The Garden Shade of a Potted Rose

Whose Peeking Out of The Rose Pot? The Oui Prefabricated Greenhouse for $98.00 is the perfect economical plant life saver. Can you calculate how much you have spent on plants lost over the winter the last few years? I have spent hundreds of dollars and lost plants that are irreplaceable. Continue Reading