Kids Love To Garden Naturally!
The World of Everything that Grows.
Labor Day is a great day to have a rose parade ~ Susan Fox
‘Summer Love’ posted by Weeks Roses swept me away this morning. The subtleties of the shades of yellow fascinated me. Its mesmerizing. There are hints of butter cream swirled to perfection. This also led me to the thought, see why we continue to add roses to our collection? There are Continue Reading
“They said it couldn’t be done, so much so that Tony Abruscato named our first rose garden at Navy Pier the miracle on the pierâ€
“It’s like déjà vu all over again.” ~ Yogi Berra Have you ever experienced déjà vu and wondered: was that true déjà vu or have I actually done the exact same thing at the same time last year? My rose pruning, is a ritualistic Rite of Spring. The ‘Rite of Continue Reading