“Oui” are in recovery mode around here. Two patients. One fell out of the attic. One is recovering from hip replacement surgery. “Oui” have a kitty called Izzy and she thinks she is a puppy. She comes when she is called and she likes water. Our hip replacement patient has Continue Reading
OUI Team Undergoes Reconstruction
Many of you have asked what does “OUI Theory” mean? It simply means “Yes dear.” It means all the lofty plans you had for the week-end can be completed in your absence if “OUI” will continue on the agreed upon course of action. This term can be applied to either Continue Reading
Meet Annie Haven, The Moo-Poo Tea Lady

Before organic was in vogue I was using every form of soil amendment to fertilize. Let’s review. I won an American Rose Society National Award for Best Climber for Tempo that had been fertilized with egg shells and coffee grounds. I had a little flowerbed of snapdragons in the first Continue Reading
God’s Cheetah Plate
It’s Thanksgiving and there’s lots to be thankful for. In 2003 Gabrielle was 4 and she loved to spend the night. She had her own room. Now it’s the kids room. We had a routine. Bath, three stories, prayers. She was old enough to pick books that were as long Continue Reading
If You Shop with Gaga Keep the Keys
Izabelle (Izzy) is a cat. She is unlike any other cat. Everyone says that but does your cat jump in the bath with tubby toys and follow you like a puppy and lick tape? The day I fell out of the attic, Halloween, I didn’t scream when I fell out Continue Reading