You want an easy-to-grow rose? ‘Easy Does It’ puts the easy in growing roses! ~ Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
You want an easy-to-grow rose? ‘Easy Does It’ puts the easy in growing roses! ~ Susan Fox
Roses leave you speechless as they softly whisper to the hummingbirds at dawn in a ‘Pumpkin Patch’ of caramel orange roses that fade to lavender. ~ Susan Fox
“The rose is the favorite flower of 85 percent of Americans.”
Happy First of June! June is Rose Month! Luscious bouquets of perky, purple roses bloom in candelabras of spectacular bouquets on long stems on ‘Stormy Weather’ in all kinds of weather all season long!
Planting a ‘Memory Garden’ of roses gives you a connection to your loved ones that can keep your memories of them alive. ~ Susan Fox