Happy First of June! June is Rose Month! Luscious bouquets of perky, purple roses bloom in candelabras of spectacular bouquets on long stems on ‘Stormy Weather’ in all kinds of weather all season long!
The World of Everything that Grows.
Happy First of June! June is Rose Month! Luscious bouquets of perky, purple roses bloom in candelabras of spectacular bouquets on long stems on ‘Stormy Weather’ in all kinds of weather all season long!
‘Climbing Roses are a beautiful addition to any garden, and there’s a climber perfect for you.” ~ Susan Fox
One qustion I am ask frequently is “what’s a great climbing rose?” Here are three early spring blooming climbing roses. Two that are as “big as a barn.” One is a compact ‘mysterious deep smoky purple that’s simply a stunner! 1. Above and Beyond’ LCI Winter hardy No-spray Minimal care Continue Reading