These little mythical like creatures were lovingly created by hand, formed from concrete and hand painted in a country town called Minooka, Il. Minooka in the 2000 census only had 3, 971 people. One of those people lovingly hand stitched clothes for our geese girls. We moved these little country Continue Reading
5 Lessons Gardening Can Teach You About Social Media by Margie Clayman

About the author Margie Clayman works at her family’s advertising agency, Clayman Advertising, where she represents the 3rd generation! Margie dreams of Gaga’s gardens, but is only an amateur gardener herself. Margie blogs at 5 Lessons Gardening Can Teach You About Social Media The other day, I was looking Continue Reading
Gagasgarden Texas Homegrown Collection
A garden is a gathering place. So let’s talk about the wonderful treasure’s Gaga’s Garden has collected. A treasure of the rarest find is from Greenville, Texas. Her name is Karen. She and her family moved here from San Antonio when her son Brandon was in kindergarten and her Continue Reading
Gaga’s Facetime Story
“Oui” are in recovery mode around here. Two patients. One fell out of the attic. One is recovering from hip replacement surgery. “Oui” have a kitty called Izzy and she thinks she is a puppy. She comes when she is called and she likes water. Our hip replacement patient has Continue Reading
OUI Team Undergoes Reconstruction
Many of you have asked what does “OUI Theory” mean? It simply means “Yes dear.” It means all the lofty plans you had for the week-end can be completed in your absence if “OUI” will continue on the agreed upon course of action. This term can be applied to either Continue Reading