Get Your Red White & Blue In!

'Take It Easy' blooming on Memorial Day Week-End 2016

“Get your red, white and blue plants to liven up your holiday parties! ” ~ Susan Fox

Roses; If You Can’t Say Something Nice…

“If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Anything At All” Applies to Roses Too ~ Susan Fox

Some Roses “Like It Hot”

A Candelabra of 'Pretty Lady Rose' 2nd in the Weeks Roses Series of Downton Abbey Roses

My Top Ten List of Roses That ‘Like It Hot’ Plus Photos of Them This Past Week in My Illinois Rose Garden. ~ Susan Fox

Rose ‘Easy Does It’ Repeat Performance

Roses Roses Roses In Bloom

You want an easy-to-grow rose? ‘Easy Does It’ puts the easy in growing roses! ~ Susan Fox

‘Pumpkin Patch’ In The Rose Garden

'Pumpkin Patch' Candelabras Light Dawn With An Orange Glow

Roses leave you speechless as they softly whisper to the hummingbirds at dawn in a ‘Pumpkin Patch’ of caramel orange roses that fade to lavender. ~ Susan Fox