Winter Garden Option  Wanda, Dedicated Blackspot Eradicator If I’m not thinking about spider mites I’m thinking about blackspot. Now it’s been too cool in North Texas and we have had too much rain for spider mites so you guessed it, what am I thinking about? Blackspot.  I was thinking Continue Reading
If OUI® Build It Your Plants Will Survive The Winter

Whose Peeking Out of The Rose Pot? The Oui Prefabricated Greenhouse for $98.00 is the perfect economical plant life saver. Can you calculate how much you have spent on plants lost over the winter the last few years? I have spent hundreds of dollars and lost plants that are irreplaceable. Continue Reading
Baby It’s Gonna Be Cold Outside

Baby It’s Gonna Be Cold Outside Remember Last Winter It’s Time to Talk About Winter Protection. It’s finally cool in North Texas, which means protecting plants and black spot. Plain and simple. Last year my potted palms and large patio plants were evicted from the garage. We decided the garage Continue Reading
Oui Theory
Ancient Concept of “Oui Theory” pronounced WE, translates to “yes, dear.” He as ONE can accomplish on Monday what “Oui” did not accomplish on Sunday.
Four Seasons of Roses – 2014 Monthly Beginners Guide to Growing Roses
Growing roses can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Find the abc’s here!