100 Million Roses

Will Radler's Rose 'Double Knock-Out' Radtko

“100 million roses,” “100 million roses is our goal.” Stephen Hutton, president and CEO of Star Roses and Plants* made this bold statement at the American Rose Society Fall Convention In Syracuse, New York. Rose titans from all over the globe met on the most famous week end in America, Continue Reading

Labor Day Rose Parade

The Rose Garden in Bloom

Labor Day is a great day to have a rose parade ~ Susan Fox

Gardening News | Roses Are Sold Out!

'Easy Does It' by Weeks Roses with Rain Drops, a vision of perfection

“Folks Can Only Buy What They Know About” ~ Susan Fox

A Light Prospective of Roses | American Rose Convention 2015 | Syracuse, New York, Sept. 10-13

John Mattia holding ‘Dona Martin’  and his American Rose Magazine cover feature ‘Veterans Honor’ winner of the Digital Photography Hybrid Tea Award Winning ‘Veterans Honor’ The American Rose Society National Convention is September 10-13, Syracuse, NY at the Holiday Inn, Syracuse Photography Panelist Sally Long | Award Winning ‘Dick Clark’ Continue Reading

You’ll Be Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® Roses! They’re Proven Winners!

o Easy® Cherry Pie, Paprika & Fragrant Spreader as a beautiful border of color

This week I pruned my Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® Roses with the hedge clippers. My husband was tickled about it. The roses were in his way when he mowed. Now we shall have an English style prim and proper hedge of Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® roses in the Continue Reading