Meet Annie Haven, The Moo-Poo Tea Lady

Annie Haven

Before organic was in vogue I was using every form of soil amendment to fertilize. Let’s review. I won an American Rose Society National Award for Best Climber for Tempo that had been fertilized with egg shells and coffee grounds.  I had a little flowerbed of snapdragons in the first Continue Reading

Glamour Shots and The Lollipop Guild Garden

Valeria Is gardening glamorous? Today it was. Kim Ritzenthaler of took pictures for gagasgarden and for an extraordinary experience go to her site and click on her macro photography of her nature slide show. It is an experience in wonderment. In the 8o’s I headed up a French line Continue Reading

Four Seasons of Roses – 2014 Monthly Beginners Guide to Growing Roses

Growing roses can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Find the abc’s here!