Contrary to ancient edicts to plow under roses for crops we plowed under the crops to put in the Jackson & Perkins trial rose garden, while we can’t eat them they create ambience for wine & rose tours ~ Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
Contrary to ancient edicts to plow under roses for crops we plowed under the crops to put in the Jackson & Perkins trial rose garden, while we can’t eat them they create ambience for wine & rose tours ~ Susan Fox
Do plants give life to people or do people give life to plants? It’s the age old chicken or the egg causality dilemma, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?†At The Independent Garden Show last week in Chicago, August 19-21, I had reason to ponder this theory. When Continue Reading
Wine and roses are like notes and music. Sometimes referred to the Rodeo Drive of the North, Walnut Creek, CA is a suburb of San Francisco. It’s beautiful. While commuting from Dallas to Walnut Creek, CA I negotiated with the Lakewood Mansion at Walnut Creek for a corporate rate to Continue Reading