Let us hope and pray y’all have not gotten spring fever with the deceptively warm winter, gone wild and whacked your bushes. Because if a killing frost comes along there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth if the new growth stimulated by your early pruning dies back as the Continue Reading
On Becoming A Rose Sommelier
Sommelier, doesn’t that have an elegant ring? You also will wear a tastevin on a silver chain around your neck, French for “taste wine.” According to Master Sommelier Catherine Fallis at the French Culinary Institute in Campbell, CA when asked what does becoming a Sommelier mean to the average person “It means doing Continue Reading
Rose Pruning The Rite of Spring
In May 1913, Igor Stravinsky debuted his ballet The Rite of Spring (watch a YouTube video). Though it is one of Stravinsky’s most famous works, his creation was first met with harsh criticism, negative reviews, and yes – a riot. I put forth to you today that the emotion evoked Continue Reading
Best Tips For Pruning Roses Stress-Free
I would like to coin a new gardening phrase. Pruning post traumatic stress disorder (PPTSD) I have it, it’s real, I suffer every President’s Day. It occurred from having pruned right after President’s Day in Texas. President’s Day is supposed to be the last day of the danger of a Continue Reading
Four Seasons of Roses – 2014 Monthly Beginners Guide to Growing Roses
Growing roses can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Find the abc’s here!