Memory Lane of Roses

'Moonstone' bred by Tom Carruth Former Director of Research & Marketing, Weeks Roses is as at home in a garden setting as Queen of the Rose Show. #roseshows #gardenchat #rosechat #rosepicoftheday

Memory lane is strewn with magnificent roses in central Illinois this summer. Dew glistening on petals of roses appears as ice crystals when lit by the first rays of dawn. Illinois crops and vegetable gardens are bountiful with enough rain to sustain the corn and soybeans until harvest. Every day Continue Reading

Wine and Roses | The Santa Ynez Wineries

'Drop Dead Red' and the Bistro for Wine and Rose Tours on the Rose Walk

Wine and roses are like notes and music. Sometimes referred to the Rodeo Drive of the North, Walnut Creek, CA is a suburb of San Francisco. It’s beautiful. While commuting from Dallas to Walnut Creek, CA I negotiated with the Lakewood Mansion at Walnut Creek for a corporate rate to Continue Reading

Red | White | and A Blue Rose

Applause | A True Blue Rose

Red White and Blue Rose Collections had long been sought after and yet the Blue Rose was a quest that was only a dream. There are many patriotic Red and White Roses. And yet when one would seek the blue rose it was a dream to be fulfilled by a Continue Reading

Love Planted A Rose Garden | June Is National Rose Month

June Spring Bloom | The Floribunda Rose Garden in Full Bloom

“Love planted a rose and the world turned sweet ” ~ Katherine Lee Bates Floribunda Rose Garden in Bloom June was declared National Rose Month by Ronald Reagan in 1986. The Northeastern Illinois Rose Society was proud to play a role in having the rose named America’s floral emblem while Continue Reading

Biltmore Rose Trial Winners 2014 Announced

Bejazzo | Kordes | Best Climber

“Since 2011, Biltmore’s Rose Garden has been home to the trials in which more than 90 varieties from growers and breeders worldwide have been planted and cared for by Biltmore’s expert horticulturalists. Each trial lasts two years and a permanent jury judges the roses four times per year. During this Continue Reading