Order your Mom a Jackson & Perkins living rose bush today in time for Mothers Day from this list of favorites, including Biltmore Rose Trials ‘Most Outstanding Rose ‘Savannah’ and enter your chance to win a $100 Gift Certificate
Rose Patterns

“We make patterns, we share moments.â€
― Jenny Downham, Before I Die
3 Climbing Roses ‘Big As A Barn’

One qustion I am ask frequently is “what’s a great climbing rose?” Here are three early spring blooming climbing roses. Two that are as “big as a barn.” One is a compact ‘mysterious deep smoky purple that’s simply a stunner! 1. Above and Beyond’ LCI Winter hardy No-spray Minimal care Continue Reading
A Garden Is A Place For Kids & Seeds To Bloom

“The Seedkeepers Company aka Kerrie Rosenthal & Carol Niec and my daughter-in-law, a blessing to this family, are the reason I started growing lettuce and all sorts of edibles again.” ~ Susan Fox
The Boys of Summer Roses

“I can tell you my love for you will still be strong, after the boys of summer have gone” ~ Don Henley The days are getting cooler. The colors of the ‘Boys of Summer’ roses intensify with the kisses of gentle dewdrops at night. Rain creates a wild jungle look Continue Reading