Rose Pruning Primer: A Guide To Pruning Roses

Floribunda Rose Garden

 Pruning post traumatic stress disorder (PPTSD) Remembered Kids do say the darnedest things.” Traveling South on the N. Dallas Tollway,  5 year old Ella said, “Gaga, I’ve been thinking ’bout goin’ to church but my parents don’t even know what day it is.” “Gabi always knows what day it is Continue Reading

Why I Wrote Four Seasons of Roses

Julia Child

Necessity…the mother of invention ~ Plato Necessity is why I wrote Four Seasons of Roses 2014 Monthly Guide to Rose Care.  Everyone that visits my rose garden tells me that they want roses.  I ask them “what’s standing between you and the object of your desire?” The answer is always Continue Reading

December Rose Gardens by Jack Falker, The Minnesota Rose Gardener

Jack Falker of Minnesota

December is an exciting month. Have you ever noticed one minute it’s August and the next its Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and like a speeding train the holidays are upon us. The holidays offer so much to do you probably haven’t given much thought to extra winter protection for your roses. Continue Reading

Roses Fall Into Winter

Magnificent Sweet Gum Tree

‘Ten Tips’ For Winterizing Your Roses

Fantasy Pick Roses

Love Song a floribunda

Fantasy Pick Roses for 2013    Sports analogies dig deep into the heart of the American landscape.  Rose gardening can be a tough physical sport. A helmet is my next gardening fashion statement. It shall coordinate with my leopard rubber boots. This fall, during an attempted shovel pass, I did Continue Reading