Rose Pruning Is a Rite of Spring | Removing Dead Wood Quickens the Pulse of the Resting Rose to Awaken ~ Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
Rose Pruning Is a Rite of Spring | Removing Dead Wood Quickens the Pulse of the Resting Rose to Awaken ~ Susan Fox
Prune your roses when the Forsythias bloom in zone 6b, its better to prune a little late than too early. ~ Susan Fox
“It’s like déjà vu all over again.” ~ Yogi Berra Have you ever experienced déjà vu and wondered: was that true déjà vu or have I actually done the exact same thing at the same time last year? My rose pruning, is a ritualistic Rite of Spring. The ‘Rite of Continue Reading
 Pruning post traumatic stress disorder (PPTSD) Remembered Kids do say the darnedest things.” Traveling South on the N. Dallas Tollway,  5 year old Ella said, “Gaga, I’ve been thinking ’bout goin’ to church but my parents don’t even know what day it is.” “Gabi always knows what day it is Continue Reading