Labor Day Rose Parade

The Rose Garden in Bloom

Labor Day is a great day to have a rose parade ~ Susan Fox

Gardening News | Roses Are Sold Out!

'Easy Does It' by Weeks Roses with Rain Drops, a vision of perfection

“Folks Can Only Buy What They Know About” ~ Susan Fox

Rose Garden Recipe

'Julia Child' by Weeks Roses featured this shot of 'Julia Child' in The American Rose Society 2014 Calendar

Key Ingredients : Weeks Roses  Ingredients: Roses of your Choice I chose Weeks Roses for this Recipe or you can choose from Star Roses, David Austin Roses of which I have some of each kind in this garden. Remaining ingredients: Canadian Sphagnum Peat Mills Magic Rose Mix Fertilizer* Soak in Continue Reading

A Garden Is A Place For Kids & Seeds To Bloom

Sakata Seed Company's Alecia Troy

“The Seedkeepers Company aka Kerrie Rosenthal & Carol Niec and my daughter-in-law, a blessing to this family, are the reason I started growing lettuce and all sorts of edibles again.” ~ Susan Fox

Decoration Day | Garden of Memories

Peony Arrangement at P. Allen Smith's #G2B15

“Mother always took flowers to Daddy and his brother Daniel’s grave, both WWII vets on Memorial Day and we spent time tending the graves and remembering the families that are left with only memories of their loved ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice.” ~ Susan Fox Every Memorial Day Mother Continue Reading