A Garden Is A Marshmallow World

PROVEN WINNERS © 'Magic Hibisbus Cranberry Crush'

‘A Garden Is A Marshmallow World” ~ Susan Fox

Ropin’ Roses

'Above and Beyond' after its roped up!

‘Climbing Roses are a beautiful addition to any garden, and there’s a climber perfect for you.” ~ Susan Fox

3 Climbing Roses ‘Big As A Barn’

'Stormy Weather'

One qustion I am ask frequently is “what’s a great climbing rose?” Here are three early spring blooming climbing roses. Two that are as “big as a barn.” One is a compact ‘mysterious deep smoky purple that’s simply a stunner! 1. Above and Beyond’ LCI Winter hardy No-spray Minimal care Continue Reading

Mom’s Voice | An Echo For The Ages

'Black Dragon' Peony Blooms

Mother’s Day is the day we honor Mom. Do you hear yourself saying the same witty quips you heard your Mom say to the kids in your life? “Close the door.” Were you born in a barn?!” “Quit running in and out.” Since my Mom was a rosarian, and avid Continue Reading

13 Reasons Mom Needs A Rose Garden

The Rose Garden

Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Living rose bushes make the perfect gift. Star Roses Apricot Drift, and the ever popular Weeks Roses ‘Julia Child’ are perfect for the garden and/or transplanting in a beautiful piece of garden art. You can select a hand-painted pot for Mom to transplant your rose into. Continue Reading