Planning A Spring Rose Garden

Gene Boerner Magnificent Floribunda, 2013 spring bloom

Growing roses can be easy. Most gardeners tell me they want a rose garden. Time constraints today demand easy steps to see quick results and the considerable cost that we invest in our gardens require lasting success. When asked why they don’t grow roses most people tell me they think Continue Reading

Vignette II: Changing The World One Garden at A Time: The Peterson Garden Project

Fearless Food Gardening in Chicago by LaManda Joy, proceeds to fund gardens in Chicago

One person can make a difference in the world by teaching people how to grow their own garden. They do work that matters. They change communities. That’s what LaManda Joy is doing in Chicago one garden at a time. Have you heard about it? It’s called the Peterson Garden Project. Continue Reading

What A Cool Spring!

Geese Family Welcomes Spring

What a cool spring! Weather now fascinates me. Did you ever see the Saturday Night Live skit She Turned Into Her Mother? Summary: In a horror movie spoof, a man (Tom Hanks) watches idly as his wife (Julia Sweeney) makes the full transformation into her mother. That’s now me. Here’s Continue Reading

Vignette One: The Chicago Flower and Garden Show’s ‘Appeal’ of John Gidding

John Gidding at the 'W'

  Vignette. I like the sound of it, don’t you? A French word, it can be used as a noun or a verb. To bring you the wonders of the Chicago Flower and Garden Show, a Tony Abruscato Flower Show Production* that I was a speaker at last week, I Continue Reading

Roses for a Life Time, Chicago Flower and Garden Show

Stormy Weather, Large Flowered Climber

Sweet Home Chicago  I grew up 38 miles north ‘as the crow flies’ along the beautiful N. Shore of Lake Michigan. Next Wednesday, March 19, at 11:00 AM I’ll be talking about rosesat the Chicago Flower and Garden Show. I wish Lynn Arthur and my mother could be there. Here’s Continue Reading