Order your Mom a Jackson & Perkins living rose bush today in time for Mothers Day from this list of favorites, including Biltmore Rose Trials ‘Most Outstanding Rose ‘Savannah’ and enter your chance to win a $100 Gift Certificate
American Rose SocietyBiltmore International Rose TrailsCase StudiesDo-It-YourselfEasy Care Rose GardenseducationGardeningGardeningHybrid tea roseIllinois GardensLandscapingMonday BlogsPlantsRose Garden TipsRose GardensRose Gardens of The WorldRosesWorld Federation of Rose Societies
American Rose SocietyCarouselEasy Care Rose GardenseducationGarden LegendsGarden MakeoversGarden PhotographyGarden ShedsGardeningGardeninghow to grow membershipIllinois GardensLandscapingOld Garden RosesOrganicsPlantsPotting ShedRose Garden TipsRose GardensRose Gardens of The WorldRosesWordless Wednesday
3 Climbing Roses ‘Big As A Barn’

One qustion I am ask frequently is “what’s a great climbing rose?” Here are three early spring blooming climbing roses. Two that are as “big as a barn.” One is a compact ‘mysterious deep smoky purple that’s simply a stunner! 1. Above and Beyond’ LCI Winter hardy No-spray Minimal care Continue Reading
American Rose SocietyDo-It-YourselfEasy Care Rose GardensGarden PhotographyGardeningIllinois GardensPlantsRose Garden TipsRose GardensRosesUncategorized
13 Reasons Mom Needs A Rose Garden

Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Living rose bushes make the perfect gift. Star Roses Apricot Drift, and the ever popular Weeks Roses ‘Julia Child’ are perfect for the garden and/or transplanting in a beautiful piece of garden art. You can select a hand-painted pot for Mom to transplant your rose into. Continue Reading
American Rose SocietyBiltmore International Rose TrailsEasy Care Rose Gardensfloribunda roseGarden ArtGarden LegendsGarden MakeoversGarden PhotographyGardeninggrandiflora roseHybrid tea roseIllinois GardensMiniature RosesPlantsRose Garden TipsRose GardensRose Gardens of The WorldRose ShowsRosesroseshow.comWordless Wednesday
Garden Legends |Their Story & Roses