Labor Day is a great day to have a rose parade ~ Susan Fox
The World of Everything that Grows.
Labor Day is a great day to have a rose parade ~ Susan Fox
This week I pruned my Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® Roses with the hedge clippers. My husband was tickled about it. The roses were in his way when he mowed. Now we shall have an English style prim and proper hedge of Oso Happy® with Oso Easy® roses in the Continue Reading
“The Seedkeepers Company aka Kerrie Rosenthal & Carol Niec and my daughter-in-law, a blessing to this family, are the reason I started growing lettuce and all sorts of edibles again.” ~ Susan Fox
“They said it couldn’t be done, so much so that Tony Abruscato named our first rose garden at Navy Pier the miracle on the pierâ€
“It’s like déjà vu all over again.” ~ Yogi Berra Have you ever experienced déjà vu and wondered: was that true déjà vu or have I actually done the exact same thing at the same time last year? My rose pruning, is a ritualistic Rite of Spring. The ‘Rite of Continue Reading